The next Club Meeting is March 4th at Abby's Pizza in White City at 6:00 P.M. for Board Members and 6:30 P.M. for Regular Members.
1st Tournament is February 15th and 16th at Shasta Lake. Blast-off will be at 7:00 a.m. out of Packer's Bay. Pre-fish cut-off is February 9th.
Shane Ulrey - President 541-601-6205
Joe Kiser - V.P. 541-363-6567
Shane Ulrey - President & Tournament Director &
Joe Kiser - Vice President
Brad Pfeifer - Treasurer
Russ Dodd - Member at Large
Randy Dodd - Member at Large
Marty Ulrey - Member at Large
Scroll down for Tournament Results
We are the largest club in the Rogue Valley and have been in existence for over a decade. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, family-oriented fishing club. We also enjoy tournament competition. Tournaments are held one weekend a month from February through September or October. We fish separate team tournaments on Saturday and Sunday. Each person accrues points throughout the year. All anglers finishing in the top ten point positions on
Saturday and Sunday are eligible to fish in the Tournament of Champions at the end of the tournament schedule. We also have an Angler(s) of the Year chase and a six-pound club. We encourage you to come have fun, learn from and compete against the best bass anglers in the valley.